Sunday, November 22, 2009

Thanksgiving week

Hard to believe that I am here three months exactly as of Thanksgiving day. Things have certainly moved at a dizzying pace even if I am not in New York anymore. The major news this week is in two developments. First, I have to grade nearly 250 student essays for a political economy course at the university, which is part of my job here at the center. It is about as exciting as it sounds. Do the math. 250 essays at 15 pages each and grading is not something you can skim. It requires attention to detail. I am trying to mow through as fast as I can no matter how painful it is. Second development is that the gentleman who helped me find my apartment here in Pamplona is back in town because he has to take exams. He is originally from Valladolid, which is close by Salamanca. When he finishes up with his exams, I think I am going to make the trip out West to go back to Salamanca and visit old friends on December 18th - 20th. My first weeks here I travelled a lot. I went to San Sebastian, Torreciudad, Barcelona and Madrid, but since then work has picked up as has my social life. So I haven't been out of Pamplona in six weeks or so. That trip to Salamanca will be very overdue. In the meantime, I am looking forward to Thanksgiving day because a bunch of Americans here are all going to congregate at somebody's apartment and have a gigantic pot luck Thanksgiving including a turkey. Everyone who is going is already very excited about it. The only thing that we will be missing is some sweet potato pie, but I am happy enough to have turkey on Thanksgiving day in Spain. There should be about 25 people over so it will be an absolute ton of fun. We are going to stream the football games too so it will be a proper Thanksgiving. I will be sure to let you know how it turns out...

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