Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Just who have I been meeting?

I have calmed down a bit with taking trips, and a nice routine has developed over the past month. I have written plenty about the types of work I am doing, but not so much about who I have met. I will try and do that some justice now. Problem is where to start. I met a Spaniard during some lecture I went to about different personality types here at the university. Over the course of the semester, I have hung out with him a bunch and play Padel (a Spanish sport that is a mix of raquetball and tennis) with him from time to time. He is due to graduate in December. There are a bunch of guys who live in a house here, YESA, that I also visit quite frequently. Besides that, the rest of who I am meeting tend to be international people. The guy that I work next to is from New Jersey and we have things in common. It is also nice when you are so far from home to have someone who knows exactly what you are talking about. There are also a couple of other Americans who are in the Master's program here or that are also research assistants at the university who drop in to talk to us from time to time. There is a long grocery list of other interesting people that I have met and talk to on a regular basis now. They range from a PhD candidate in Finance here at the university who was has Taiwanese parents, was born in Australia and has spent most of his life in Hong Kong. A Chilean studying a master's degree in psychology and higher education. A Peruvian doing a PhD at the very institute that I hope to get mine from and a Nicaraguan who has already completed her PhD and is now living in Pamplona for at least a year. The list does go on, but I don't want to be repetitive. I just hope to give you a flavor of who I meeting. What is more interesting is that I am starting to become friends with some of these people as well, but these things do take time...

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