Sunday, March 7, 2010

San Cristobal, South Africa and Ulzama

I am gearing up for South Africa. I will take a 12 day trip from March 11th until March 23rd visiting four cities. The purpose of the trip is business. We will be meeting with several individuals at South African think tanks and universities to see what the possibility is that we could do a research partnership with one or more of them. I will be staying at this place called Cotswold Gardens that is right next to the Jo'burg Zoo. It is just a short five days away. It is going to be awesome, terrifc, fantastic, wonderful, sick, mad, etc...

Other bit of news is that I went for a hike yesterday on the Camino de San Cristobal. It was the first hike that I've taken in awhile and the first in Pamplona. It won't be the last. The view from the top of the mountain is pretty neat. You can see the Pyrenees as well as all of the little towns that are around Pamplona. To boot there is an old, abandoned army fort at the the top of the mountain that was also used as a prison camp during the Spanish Civil War. It was pretty creepy to be inside. Regardless, as the weather gets warmer I am animated to take more and more hikes.

After I get back from South Africa on the 23rd, I will go on a four day retreat (25 - 28) to Ulzama (a small village) to spend some time in prayer and silence. I don't know when I will make my next entry then. I will squeeze in what I can. Either way, there should be pictures accompanying some of the following posts.

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