Sunday, June 6, 2010

Falling into place...

Since the last post back in April, I have gotten a lot of answers to some of the questions that popped up. For starters, my contract will be renewed for at least one more year, which means I will be in Pamplona until August 2011. I have also been admitted into a master's/phd program at the university to study governance and culture of organizations. The master's program is one year followed by three more to do the thesis. Obviously, that means I will be in Pamplona for more than a year in all likelihood. I do miss home, and ideally will spend 9 months a year in Pamplona and 3 months a year at home for the next chunk of my life. The other big thing is that a foundation here has named as a US delegate, and so, I will be trying to some grant writing and fundraising on their behalf in the US.

While all this has been going on, my sister came to visit for a week, the girlfriend went back home for the summer and I moved into a new apartment. That is quite a bit of activity, but by no means a complaint. It has been very fun the past two months.
Now with summer approaching and, more importantly, el Mundial I get to enjoy less distractions at work as I prepare for nothing but a few hours of solid work followed by more hours of watching football.

That said, I am not sure how much I will have to say. Originally, I wanted to start blogging to let everyone know about my travels and my work out here. I didn't how long I would be out here so I just enjoyed it. Looks as though now I might be here longer. I will probably continue to blog, but you will notice the tone, content and maybe even the quality change a little bit as I get even more accustomed to life in Spain. Either way, I will be back in New York from August 18th until September 12th. With everything else going on, that date is certainly circled on the calendar.